sábado, mayo 18, 2024
Economy and Tourism

Tatiana Clouthier, at the Launching of the Safe and Healthy Workplace Environments Program (ELSSA)

#SecretaríaDeEconomía.- Good morning. It always gives me great pleasure to greet all those who are with us here, especially Mr. Governor, our dear friend Zoé Robledo, with whom I have been working together for many years, and I must say that it is always a pleasure to work with Zoé. Working as a team with Zoé becomes something fundamental, because it always leads us to open new horizons and to find them.

I am also pleased to greet the workers, the businessmen, the leaders of the business chambers, our friends at work and all those present here.

Strengthening relationships has become one of the fundamental things that IMSS has been able to do through an important mechanism, where we can look for ways to move forward not only to improve health, but also to improve productivity and provide better results.

COVID-19 taught us many lessons and I believe that IMSS, together with the private initiative and other areas, managed to get the best out of itself and say how we can, from the space of will, find mechanisms to start taking care of ourselves.


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